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Ilios Turkey by Visions Holiday Group

In Turkey the standard of villas is excellent and we are very pleased to be able to offer some of the very
best privately owned Turkish villas and houses with private pools to be found on the Bodrum and Datca
peninsulas as well as small and intimate luxury boutique hotels.
We are tailor made specialists and happy to arrange your itineraries to your exact specifications:
accommodation only, packages, train tickets and any added extras.
In Turkey the standard of villas is excellent and we are very pleased to be able to offer some of the very
best privately owned Turkish villas and houses with private pools to be found on the Bodrum and Datca
peninsulas as well as small and intimate luxury boutique hotels.
We are tailor made specialists and happy to arrange your itineraries to your exact specifications:
accommodation only, packages, train tickets and any added extras.