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AITO and its 100+ members are committed to encouraging a sustainable approach to travel and this has always been part of the Association’s DNA. For a number of years, AITO ran Project PROTECT as an instrument for improving and supporting sustainable tourism practices amongst its members.
The programme was originally developed together with Xavier Font from the University of Surrey, other leading academics, industry gurus and members. It was devised to encourage and measure its operators' dedication to a tourism that protects and looks after the destinations they work in. Project PROTECT is AITO’s pledge to protecting tourism destinations around the world. The PROTECT stands for People, Resources, Outreach, Tourism, Environment, Conservation and Tomorrow.
How does it work?
Although the AITO PROTECT is no longer being formally run in conjunction with the University of Surrey, the Association continues to invite all of its members to participate in making an annual pledge to sustainable tourism. The pledge is a customised project which benefits their tourism destinations.
There are a number of steps to go through including picking a sustainable tourism project to implement in one or more destinations, writing a pledge about what they hope to achieve, implementing and communicating about the project and finally writing a testimonial telling readers about the impact their project has had.
At the end of each project year, AITO recognise the pledges created and impact made with a special awards ceremony. The ceremony will look not at the best pledge or the one that has made the most impact but will showcase a number of examples and allow members who have participated to share their stories with others.
For more information on PROTECT, please contact
Discover Member Pledges

Fundraising from our clients to pay hardship money to our trek crews following cancellation of Spring, Summer and Autumn 2020 seasons due to Covid 19 pandemic (2020)
by The Mountain Company

Rewilding 12 acres of grassland at Naturetrek HQ
by Naturetrek

Making every ETG trip a force for good through carbon capture (2020)
by Experience Travel Group

Travelife Partner status
by Inside Travel Group

Wild Frontiers - Project Protect 2019 Testimonial
by Wild Frontiers

Mountain Kingdoms Helps You Do Your Bit to Reduce Plastic Waste
by Mountain Kingdoms

Carbon Neutral Holidays
by skiScandinavia

Pintando El Cambio project
by Journey Latin America / Journeyscape

Complete the requirements to achieve a Travelife Partnership at the end of 2019.
by Audley Travel