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Galicia: Lighthouse Way
Galicia: Lighthouse Way Overview
Galicia - Lighthouse Way. An exciting self-guided walking holiday on Spain's Atlantic coast. On Foot is the only company offering a continuous walking route along this coast without the need for transfers. Price from £830 pp, shorter/cheaper options also available.Along the wild Atlantic coast
Welcome to the last unspoilt coast of Europe – the Costa da Morte. Grand cliffs, sweeping sandy beaches, lonely capes and iconic lighthouses from a time when this coast, with its fierce tides and dangerous shoals was rightly respected by mariners and feared by their loved ones at home. Fishing is still an important activity on this coast, witness the thriving little ports with their earthy pubs and seafood restaurants.
Our path winds along the “Camino dos Faros” – the Lighthouse Way – and sticks largely to the coast, with the occasional (On Foot designed) foray inland to include an attractive place to stay. In its pure form it is a long and tough walk, but we have arranged short cuts and, courtesy of local taxi drivers, drop-off and pick-up points for those who would prefer a shorter day, maybe to spend some time on the beach!
Hardy walkers could try the full length 10-night version, lesser mortals (or those with insufficient time) should start at Laxe (7 nights) or Camariñas (5 nights).
See the On Foot Holidays website for details of prices and dates.