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Lake Garda by Prestige Travel

To start try an excursion on one of the catamarans or steamers that regularly travel up and down the lake - views of the small towns, the snow capped mountains and the numerous gorgeous villas are captivating.
It is highly recommended to take a day trip to Venice or Verona to marvel at the beauty of both these cities. The Arena di Verona is the home of the annual opera festival which usually runs between June - Sepetmber. Each of our our hotels will gladly reserve your seats for an evening.
To start try an excursion on one of the catamarans or steamers that regularly travel up and down the lake - views of the small towns, the snow capped mountains and the numerous gorgeous villas are captivating.
It is highly recommended to take a day trip to Venice or Verona to marvel at the beauty of both these cities. The Arena di Verona is the home of the annual opera festival which usually runs between June - Sepetmber. Each of our our hotels will gladly reserve your seats for an evening.