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La Palma by Prestige Travel

La Palma is known as La Isla Bonita, the beautiful island and it certainly is. With stunning scenery it is the greenest of all the Canary Islands and offers great contrasts between the mountains, volcanoes , beach and forests. Fortunately it does not appeal to the mass market but would suit the more independent traveller seeking an unspoilt destination that is calm, peaceful and has some interesting history and nature at its best.
La Palma is known as La Isla Bonita, the beautiful island and it certainly is. With stunning scenery it is the greenest of all the Canary Islands and offers great contrasts between the mountains, volcanoes , beach and forests. Fortunately it does not appeal to the mass market but would suit the more independent traveller seeking an unspoilt destination that is calm, peaceful and has some interesting history and nature at its best.