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Short Breaks by Pettitts Travel

From a long weekend experiencing the true drama and passion of a night at the opera in one of Europe's stunning opera houses, to 5 days in magical Marrakech visiting historical sights, there is something for everyone to enjoy in our short breaks collections. As well as being significantly warmer than the UK during our winter months, Morocco, Turkey and Jordan are also just a short flight away, making them ideal for a short 'winter sun' break.
From a long weekend experiencing the true drama and passion of a night at the opera in one of Europe's stunning opera houses, to 5 days in magical Marrakech visiting historical sights, there is something for everyone to enjoy in our short breaks collections. As well as being significantly warmer than the UK during our winter months, Morocco, Turkey and Jordan are also just a short flight away, making them ideal for a short 'winter sun' break.