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Arabian Holidays (Oman and UAE) by Fleewinter

Ahlan wasahlan to the kingdoms of the Middle East! The Arabian skyline literally rose out of the desert. Despite the rapid development, the region has managed to preserve its Arabic authenticity. In Dubai one can take a traditional ‘abra’ across the creek and soak up the atmosphere of the exotic souks in the old town, in Abu Dhabi you can visit some of the most elegant and beautiful mosques, and in Oman you can soak up tradition. Visit Dubai for modern luxury and entertainment and continue onto Oman for nature and culture. If you look at it on the map it doesn’t look particularly big, but there are plenty of hidden gems, like Salalah, Mesirah Island and numerous little coastal villages
Ahlan wasahlan to the kingdoms of the Middle East! The Arabian skyline literally rose out of the desert. Despite the rapid development, the region has managed to preserve its Arabic authenticity. In Dubai one can take a traditional ‘abra’ across the creek and soak up the atmosphere of the exotic souks in the old town, in Abu Dhabi you can visit some of the most elegant and beautiful mosques, and in Oman you can soak up tradition. Visit Dubai for modern luxury and entertainment and continue onto Oman for nature and culture. If you look at it on the map it doesn’t look particularly big, but there are plenty of hidden gems, like Salalah, Mesirah Island and numerous little coastal villages for the curious travellers.