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Nettours Limited

Accredited by IATA (91-2 00 33), ATOL protected (11370) and a member of ABTA (Y6521), Nettours Limited is family-run independent, specialist tour operator. We operate differently here at Nettours Limited on a number of fronts. Firstly, in such an ‘online world,’ we put being customer centric at the heart of our agenda. In keeping with our team’s long-standing belief in the ‘customer first’ approach, we pay extra attention to detail. At every step of the customer’s journey, we provide human interaction and special care from our highly skilled team. We are always available, and always within reach...
Accredited by IATA (91-2 00 33), ATOL protected (11370) and a member of ABTA (Y6521), Nettours Limited is family-run independent, specialist tour operator. We operate differently here at Nettours Limited on a number of fronts. Firstly, in such an ‘online world,’ we put being customer centric at the heart of our agenda. In keeping with our team’s long-standing belief in the ‘customer first’ approach, we pay extra attention to detail. At every step of the customer’s journey, we provide human interaction and special care from our highly skilled team. We are always available, and always within reach.
Secondly, all of our package holidays offer variety and choice to even the most classic of destinations. Our aim is to weave unique experiences into our travel products to give travellers a seamless, yet often even more fulfilling, holiday. These additional benefits include new cultural, historical and gastronomic experiences, and much more. We pride ourselves on the special value-added extras that we supply to all our package holidays, wherever clients want to go. Yet, we always bear in mind the expectations of the modern holidaymaker in such a technology driven, fast paced world that grows smaller every day. Twenty-first century travellers expect to research and review destinations before they leave from a range of sources. Many people are also “money rich, but time poor”, so offering travel products that provide a more compact holiday is becoming more and more essential.
In keeping with the trends of our century, we are website based but we prefer to function as a classic tour operator and carefully hand pick our local ground operators worldwide. We also apply this caution and care in our selection of the accommodation and services we offer, making sure that our clients are looked after wherever they go, with the utmost security and satisfaction.
The range of destinations and the travel product portfolio that we offer are always changing, growing and diversifying. If you have any specific ideas that cannot be easily accommodated, please do not hesitate to let us know. We are always happy to assist you in tailor making exactly the right offer.