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Pilgrimage to Romania by McCabe Pilgrimages

The country’s traditions are as diverse as the empires that once surrounded it. We will travel through a rich tapestry, experiencing ancient ruins and feudal castles, spectacular monastic communities and colourful folklore.
Our pilgrimage focuses on the unique Orthodox painted monasteries of the Moldavian region, which are protected by UNESCO as part of our world heritage. They are decorated on the outside with richly coloured frescoes which depict Biblical scenes. Some date back to the 15th century. Once one of the world’s most repressed countries under communism, and with decades of neglect, Romania is rapidly regaining its identity and the cities are coming back to life.
The country’s traditions are as diverse as the empires that once surrounded it. We will travel through a rich tapestry, experiencing ancient ruins and feudal castles, spectacular monastic communities and colourful folklore.
Our pilgrimage focuses on the unique Orthodox painted monasteries of the Moldavian region, which are protected by UNESCO as part of our world heritage. They are decorated on the outside with richly coloured frescoes which depict Biblical scenes. Some date back to the 15th century. Once one of the world’s most repressed countries under communism, and with decades of neglect, Romania is rapidly regaining its identity and the cities are coming back to life.