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Pilgrimage to Greece by McCabe Pilgrimages

We travel the length of Greece visiting Philippi, Thessalonika, Berea, Athens and Corinth. As well as the Pauline sites, highlights include a drive up a mountain to experience a living monastery, where the sisters are always happy to discuss their monastic way of life.
This is contrasted with a visit to the ancient Meteora monasteries perched on top of rock pillars. Nearby is Delphi where the Oracle was once considered the centre of the ancient world. Our theme is the expansion of the Christian church as it moved westward from Asia into Europe.
We travel the length of Greece visiting Philippi, Thessalonika, Berea, Athens and Corinth. As well as the Pauline sites, highlights include a drive up a mountain to experience a living monastery, where the sisters are always happy to discuss their monastic way of life.
This is contrasted with a visit to the ancient Meteora monasteries perched on top of rock pillars. Nearby is Delphi where the Oracle was once considered the centre of the ancient world. Our theme is the expansion of the Christian church as it moved westward from Asia into Europe.