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Botswana by Llama Travel

The Okavango Delta makes up one of the richest
ecosystems on earth, teeming with animals that gather around the waterways and lagoons. Chobe National Park, another wildlife-rich reserve, is particularly known for large herds of elephants, with estimates of up to 85,000 gathering in the dry season. The Zambezi River flows over the Victoria Falls, on the Zimbabwe-Zambia border, creating one of the world’s great natural wonders, with the world’s largest single sheet of water flowing into the gorge. The area is also brimming with wildlife and beautiful views, making a visit to this region one of the greatest nature experiences on the planet.
The Okavango Delta makes up one of the richest
ecosystems on earth, teeming with animals that gather around the waterways and lagoons. Chobe National Park, another wildlife-rich reserve, is particularly known for large herds of elephants, with estimates of up to 85,000 gathering in the dry season. The Zambezi River flows over the Victoria Falls, on the Zimbabwe-Zambia border, creating one of the world’s great natural wonders, with the world’s largest single sheet of water flowing into the gorge. The area is also brimming with wildlife and beautiful views, making a visit to this region one of the greatest nature experiences on the planet.