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Argentina by Journey Latin America / Journeyscape

Argentina is a vast country where so much of the natural landscape is on a huge scale, ranging from sub-tropical jungle and desert canyons to frozen ice-caps. The tumultuous waterfalls cradled in rainforest at Iguazú are probably the most dramatic and awe-inspiring on the planet, attracting visitors from all over the world.
Beyond the infinite skies, shimmering glaciers and horizon-bending pampas, this is the cradle of the tango and a producer of fine wines. Its capital, Buenos Aires, is one of Latin America’s most stylish; its people, cultured and welcoming. This heritage, forged by forged by waves of immigrants (including Italians, English and Welsh), is unique.
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Argentina is a vast country where so much of the natural landscape is on a huge scale, ranging from sub-tropical jungle and desert canyons to frozen ice-caps. The tumultuous waterfalls cradled in rainforest at Iguazú are probably the most dramatic and awe-inspiring on the planet, attracting visitors from all over the world.
Beyond the infinite skies, shimmering glaciers and horizon-bending pampas, this is the cradle of the tango and a producer of fine wines. Its capital, Buenos Aires, is one of Latin America’s most stylish; its people, cultured and welcoming. This heritage, forged by forged by waves of immigrants (including Italians, English and Welsh), is unique.
standard. There’s a well organised network of national parks for adventure in the open air and the profusion of wildlife is striking – mammals, reptiles and birds abound in marshes, rainforest, windswept plains and along the Patagonian coast.