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Long Haul Cycle Trips by Discover Adventure Ltd

We have been taking groups of cyclists of all abilities to remarkable destinations for 20 years. We provide full back-up and a 24hr emergency phone facility manned in the UK. People often tell us the trip they had with Discover Adventure was life-changing for them in some way - this is the best compliment for us!
This year you can choose to cycle in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania (not just a paradise for trekkers), from Coast to Coast in Sri Lanka, from Ho Chi Minh to Angkor Wat in South East Asia, through the Plains of Laos, the desert region of Rajasthan, the coastline of Brazil to Rio or take in three countries in 11 days in Central America.
You can Register from £299.
We have been taking groups of cyclists of all abilities to remarkable destinations for 20 years. We provide full back-up and a 24hr emergency phone facility manned in the UK. People often tell us the trip they had with Discover Adventure was life-changing for them in some way - this is the best compliment for us!
This year you can choose to cycle in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania (not just a paradise for trekkers), from Coast to Coast in Sri Lanka, from Ho Chi Minh to Angkor Wat in South East Asia, through the Plains of Laos, the desert region of Rajasthan, the coastline of Brazil to Rio or take in three countries in 11 days in Central America.
You can Register from £299.