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Italy by Great Rail Journeys

Great Rail Journeys invites you to experience the romance, history and culture of Italy. Whether it is Da Vinci's Milan, Romeo's Verona or Marco Polo's Venice, train travel in Italy brings cultural ruins and excellent vintages at every turn. Travelling south through the gastronomic paradise of Tuscany, Umbria and of course Rome, one arrives in sunny Naples and Sicily for an entirely different Italian flavour. Train travel in Italy has never been more convenient as our experienced advisors plan your journey from the UK and create a detailed itinerary for when you arrive.
Great Rail Journeys invites you to experience the romance, history and culture of Italy. Whether it is Da Vinci's Milan, Romeo's Verona or Marco Polo's Venice, train travel in Italy brings cultural ruins and excellent vintages at every turn. Travelling south through the gastronomic paradise of Tuscany, Umbria and of course Rome, one arrives in sunny Naples and Sicily for an entirely different Italian flavour. Train travel in Italy has never been more convenient as our experienced advisors plan your journey from the UK and create a detailed itinerary for when you arrive.