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Music Along the Seine
Music Along the Seine Overview
Superb music in elegant châteaux and churches along France’s greatest riverThere is little to match the pleasure of a curated sequence of concerts in beautiful historic buildings. This event combines the two to produce an experience which is quite exceptional and unique.
A rare opportunity to experience a range of French repertoire performed by world-class musicians – the first iteration of this festival in almost a decade. Performances take place in elegant châteaux, outstanding churches, and the Théâtre le Ranelagh, where we hear Rameau on the site of ‘his’ theatre. All venues are beside the River Seine or a short drive away.
The eight private concerts include repertoire from the medieval to the 20th century, weighted towards the greatest eras of French music. The Renaissance is represented by song (Ensemble Près de votre oreille), and the Baroque by Rameau, Couperin and Charpentier – some performed on the harpsichord (Kenneth Weiss) and others during a lively and engaging evening of 18th-century cantatas (Saraband, ft. Hilary Cronin, Emily Gray, Samuel Boden).
Captivating Late-Romantic works are taken on by international stars Quatuor Modigliani (Debussy and Ravel string quartets), leading soprano Justina Gringytė presents Bizet songs, accompanied by Malcolm Martineau, and stellar pianist Clare Hammond performs several astonishing works of French pianism from the Classical and Romantic eras.
The Sixteen, one of the world’s most renowned choral ensembles, close the festival with Fauré’s sublime and serene Requiem (for choir and organ), in the intimate yet stunning Sainte-Chappelle, Paris, with its spectacular stained glass.