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Brazil by Fleewinter

Imagine visiting the Amazon Rainforest where nature abounds, or the incredible wetlands of the Pantanal – a stunningly untouched area. Imagine marvelling at the incredible strength of the Iguassú Falls or visiting Brasilia to discover fascinating contemporary architecture. Witness the colours of Olinda in Pernambuco, or transport yourself back in time at Paraty and the historic cities of Minas Gerais. Dance, food and folklore make the South of Brazil a little taste of Europe tucked away in the heart of South America. Don’t miss the splendid sunrise and sunset on the stretch of beach from Rio to Jericoacoara, or walking barefoot through the dunes of Lencois Maranhenses. Imagine getting lost
Imagine visiting the Amazon Rainforest where nature abounds, or the incredible wetlands of the Pantanal – a stunningly untouched area. Imagine marvelling at the incredible strength of the Iguassú Falls or visiting Brasilia to discover fascinating contemporary architecture. Witness the colours of Olinda in Pernambuco, or transport yourself back in time at Paraty and the historic cities of Minas Gerais. Dance, food and folklore make the South of Brazil a little taste of Europe tucked away in the heart of South America. Don’t miss the splendid sunrise and sunset on the stretch of beach from Rio to Jericoacoara, or walking barefoot through the dunes of Lencois Maranhenses. Imagine getting lost in the Chapadas of Goiás, Bahia, Maranhão and Mato Grosso – places where you don’t have to queue to dive into the waterfalls!
If you don’t know where to get started, then the first thing to do is, get in touch! Our Brazil Specialist, Elena, is here to help plan your holiday every step of the way, using both her expert knowledge and an understanding of what you are looking for. If you’re a first time visitor or a returning traveller, if you’re looking for a fly-and-flop holiday or for a cultural experience, if you’re looking to create your dream family holiday or add a tick onto the bucket-list, then we can help! Our aim is to ensure that you get the most out of your time away and enjoy some hidden gems too. Our expertise will help you to explore Brazil in the best possible way.