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Borneo by Bamboo Travel

The island of Borneo is the third largest in the world, dominated by wide rivers meandering through some of the oldest rainforest on earth, supporting precious ecosystems abundant in rare plant and animal species.
Malaysian Borneo is split between the provinces of Sabah and Sarawak, and our holidays to Borneo offer a tantalising mix of rain forests, volcanoes, idyllic tropical islands, trekking, world-class diving and a huge variety of wildlife including orang-utan, proboscis monkey and exceptional birdlife. In addition to the endless natural wonders on offer, our tours of Borneo also explore the intriguing culture of the tribal longhouse communities in Sarawak, and the colonial heritage
The island of Borneo is the third largest in the world, dominated by wide rivers meandering through some of the oldest rainforest on earth, supporting precious ecosystems abundant in rare plant and animal species.
Malaysian Borneo is split between the provinces of Sabah and Sarawak, and our holidays to Borneo offer a tantalising mix of rain forests, volcanoes, idyllic tropical islands, trekking, world-class diving and a huge variety of wildlife including orang-utan, proboscis monkey and exceptional birdlife. In addition to the endless natural wonders on offer, our tours of Borneo also explore the intriguing culture of the tribal longhouse communities in Sarawak, and the colonial heritage from the days of the White Raj Sir James Brooke, and British North Borneo.